We all have to start somewhere...

Whether you're moving into your first rental and want to know your rights, or have just become a landlord and are trying to learn the rules, we've compiled some Frequently Asked Questions to help get you started. If you can't find what you're looking for - be sure to reach out to our team for help!

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I’m a landlord, what information can Ceres Realty offer me for peace of mind?

At Ceres Realty we aim to offer the best service possible to both the landlord and tenant. When both parties can work together, we find that the tenancy, overall, runs the most efficiently and smoothly for everyone.

Who are the Governing Bodies I can contact if I need more information?

Relevant Service Providers for Your Reference

What is the process for selecting a suitable tenant?

Our Tenant Selection Process

Your rental property is one of the biggest investments you will make. We also know that the thought of choosing your own tenant may leave you in a cold sweat. So, with this in mind, we have in place strict criteria for any prospective tenant to meet. We have a thorough screening process for every application and only after these criteria have been met to our standard, will we forward through any potential tenant applications to you, the landlord, with our recommendation, for you to make the final decision. 

We ensure we check and confirm the following details of the applicants:

  • Credit check via the Tenancy Information Centre of Australia (TICA).

  • Previous rental history.

  • Employment details.

  • Proof of income.

  • Business references (if self-employed).

  • Personal references.

  • Copy of financials / accountant’s report (if self-employed).

What is T.I.C.A and what is its purpose?


TICA, Tenancy Information Centre of Australia, is a database to record tenants that have defaulted under the terms of their tenancy agreement.

If a tenant breaches the tenancy agreement as per the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008, and the amount outstanding is in excess of the bond being held, the tenant will be placed on the TICA database following a Small Claims Tribunal Hearing.

Once a breach has been made, there are certain steps that need to be followed, as per Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008, prior to listing on TICA. Once these have been exhausted, money remains outstanding, TICA is then provided with all relevant information, along with all details relating to the tenant, such as a copy of driver licence or passport, date of birth. The tenant is then placed on a database for defaulting tenants.

Information regarding the total amount of monies owed along with a full breakdown of the costs and expenditure related to the debt are also lodged with TICA.

The tenant can clear their name from TICA if the debt owing is paid in full according to certain terms set out by TICA.

Are regular inspections carried out on rental properties?


Regular routine inspections are to ensure tenants are upholding their tenancy responsibilities. These inspections are performed with the utmost respect to the tenant and the property. We know that from the landlord's point of view, they want to know that their investment is being well looked after.  We also know that tenants just want to live in peace and harmony, so, here at Ceres Realty, we ensure that the inspections are performed to regulation standards and have as little impact on the tenants day to day living.

  • Routine inspections are carried out approximately every 12 – 14 weeks.

  • A computerised report is forwarded to you, the landlord.

  • Photographs taken at each inspection and copies forwarded to you (we endeavour to ensure that all photos respect the tenant’s privacy).

  • Thorough inspection advising you of any preventative maintenance or recommendations to ensure your property is kept in tip top condition.

  • If any maintenance matters require attention, you are informed immediately.

Minimum Notice Periods

There are legislative guidelines on when a property manager or third party may enter the property whilst tenanted.

As a guide for your reference, notice required is dependent on the reason for entering the premises. The minimum notice periods are:

  • To inspect the premises – seven days + 1 day for Australia Post (lessor/agent allowed to enter no more than once in a three month period, unless the Tenant agrees).

  • To complete routine repairs or carry out maintenance – 24 hours + 1 day for Australia Post.

  • To repair or carry out maintenance where the premises is in a remote area and there is a shortage of qualified tradespersons in the area – no notice.

  • In an emergency, or to protect the premises from damage – no notice.

  • If the lessor/agent believes that the premises is abandoned – 24 hours.

  • To show the premises to a prospective Tenant or buyer or for valuation purposes – 24 hours + 1 day for Australia Post.

  • If the property is for sale, a Form 10 – notice of lessor’s intention to sell must have been issued.

Whilst we endeavour to work in with the tenant at all times, under the Act, the Tenant does not have an automatic right to be present when the lessor/agent enters. We will always try to negotiate a time that is suitable, but sometimes, due to scheduling, a set time may have to be adhered to, even if the tenant cannot be present or would prefer it not to happen.

If entry is for a lawful purpose, and the correct notice has been given and the entry is at a reasonable time, the Tenant cannot refuse entry.

What happens if the tenant is late with paying their rent?

Rent Arrears

At Ceres Realty, due to  our stringent and careful tenant selection process, we have, at most times, minimised the level of rental arrears. However, on occasion, due to changing circumstances a tenant can fall into rent arrears. A very strict process then follows. This process has been outlined by the Residential Tenancies Act.

  • Day 1-2: Grace Period.

  • Day 3: SMS advising tenant that they are in arrears.

  • Day 6: Call and send email advising of impending RTA Form 11 Notice to Remedy Breach which will be issued if the rent is not received by 4.00pm on day 7. Forward a copy to Landlord.

  • Day 8: RTA Form 11 Notice to Remedy Breach to be served on the tenant and a copy forwarded to the Landlord for their records. This notice allows the tenant 7 days to remedy the breach.

  • Day 14: Call and send email to tenant to advise if their rent is not paid by the close of business, they will be issued with a Form 12 Notice to Leave.

  • Day 15: RTA Form 12 Notice to Leave will be served on the tenant to terminate the tenancy and a copy forwarded to the Landlord for their records. The notice period for this form is 7 days.

  • Day 23: Expiry of Form 12, Tenant is to hand over possession of the property to the Agent. Failure to do so may result in the agent lodging an urgent tribunal application for termination/warrant of possession.

Do I need to take out insurance on the property?

Landlord Insurance

It is highly recommended that you consider taking out a Landlord Insurance Policy. There are a number of companies that offer landlord protection insurance. It is just a matter of choosing the right one.

As we are not insurance specialists and  cannot offer insurance advice, we suggest you seek a qualified insurance broker and ask for information regarding cover for things such as loss of rent, absconding tenants, death of a tenant, malicious and accidental damage to name a few.

The advantage of seeking professional advice is that a qualified Insurance Broker can answer all your questions and offer the right advice and cover for your needs.

What legislation applies to me as landlord?

Smoke Alarm Legislation

Since 1 July 2007 Lessors have obligations for installing, cleaning and testing smoke alarms, and replacing batteries before the start or renewal of a tenancy.

A lessor must not pass on their obligations to the tenant to act on their behalf such as asking the tenant to replace batteries at the beginning of the tenancy.

  • Lessor obligations are to ensure that smoke alarms, complying with Australian standards, must be fitted in all rental properties and in accordance with the Building Code of Australia prior to the commencement of a tenancy.

  • Testing of alarms within 30 days before the start or renewal of the tenancy and according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

  • Replacing batteries in alarms within 30 days before the start of the tenancy if batteries are flat or nearly flat.

  • Cleaning alarms within 30 days before the start or renewal of the tenancy and as specified by the manufacturer’s instructions.

  • Smoke alarms must be replaced before the end of their service life.

Swimming Pool Legislation

As of 4th of June 2011, every pool in Queensland must be registered on the Government’s Pool Safety Register. You can register here The new laws apply to all properties that have pools. These pools can be at private houses, commercial properties; in fact all pools are subject to the new Pool Safety laws.

Heavy fines can apply to people who disregard this new legislation. It’s the law.

Pool Safety Inspectors and Inspections

No property can be leased or rented to a new tenant without a current Pool Safety Certificate. This must be provided by a fully licensed and certified Pool Safety Inspector.

Pool Safety Inspectors must be licensed to perform pool safety inspections. The licensing body responsible for issuing licences is the Pool Safety Council of Queensland.

If a Pool Safety Inspector does the Pool Safety Inspection and is not reasonably satisfied that the pool safety aspect of the pool complies with the Pool Safety Laws, the Pool Safety Inspector must issue a “Form 26 Safety nonconformity notice” This form advises the pool owner how their pool does not comply and what needs to be done to make the pool comply.

This will be itemised and laid out in the report.

Some Pool Safety Inspectors are also licensed to carry out certain minor repairs. Please consult the pool safety register to determine license conditions. Pool owners may also carry out some minor repair and maintenance work.

Once a Pool Safety Inspector has given a “Form 26 Safety nonconformity notice” the pool owner has three months to undertake the repairs and arrange a re-inspection of the pool's safety barrier. The law does not allow the pool owner to ask a different Pool Safety Inspector to reinspect the pool within this period. However, the owner can apply to the Pool Safety Council to approve the use of another Pool Safety Inspector in some circumstances, for example the original inspector was ill and unable to perform the inspection.

The Building Regulation 2006 sets out the repairs and maintenance work pool owners can carry out themselves, and minor repairs that appropriately Licensed Pool Safety inspectors can carry out.

Once repairs are completed as per schedule, then the inspector can provide the owner with a “Form 23 Pool Safety Certificate”.

When pool owners fail to request a re-inspection within the prescribed three-month period, the inspector must notify the Local Government. The Local Government can then take the necessary enforcement action to ensure the pool complies with the relevant standards.

The Local Government could also impose non-compliant penalties. Pool owners can appeal against a Form 26 if they disagree with it.

We ensure that you are kept abreast of the changing legislation.

I’m a tenant, what information can Ceres Realty offer me for peace of mind?

Below is a list of FAQs that are tenant focused, and of course, if the answers to your questions are not here, please reach out to us and we would love to assist you further.

How and when can I contact Ceres Realty?

What do I have to do to be considered a tenant?

  • First step is to inspect the property you are interested in and see if it meets your needs.

  • Read the advertisement carefully - if you have pets and the property does not accept pets, consider another property to avoid the discomfort of not being approved.

  • Ensure you have all documentation ready for submission with your application.  Property rentals are in short supply and the demand is high, so to give yourself the best chance of approval submit everything together.

  • Supply financials, references and complete form thoroughly.

  • Ensure the rent is within your budget.

  • Show proof of employment - income.

  • Not be listed with TICA - if you are, you will need to offer an explanation as to why.

  • Something else to consider: Check to see if the property you are considering has an NBN / internet connection and or mobile signal - these are your responsibility.

I’ve been accepted as a tenant, now what?

You would have received a tenancy agreement (Form 18) - this is in line with the Act. This is a legal contract and you must only sign it if you can adhere to the conditions in the agreement.

Pay your bond, which will be lodged with the RTA - we are Ceres do not hold your bond. You can lodge this directly to the RTA, or we can lodge on your behalf. Proof of lodgement must be shown prior to receiving your keys.

Pay the rent in advance as required by the property - this is usually two weeks. You must remain in advance at all times throughout your tenancy.

Your lease agreement will advise if you are on a Fixed term - has a start date and end date, or a Periodic agreement - there will be a start date, but no end date.

Your lease agreement will advise what your obligations are in relation to gas, electricity, phone, water usage and so on.

What do I need to do within the first week of tenancy?

You will receive an Entry Condition Report completed by our office - your obligation is to thoroughly check over this document and add anything you may notice may have been missed. This document is used at the end of your tenancy, so it is very important you sign and are happy with it. This must be returned to our office within THREE WORKING Days of entry. PLEASE NOTE: If not received within this time frame, we will consider this your acknowledgement of the document as it stands and will be used upon exit.

We do keep a copy at our office, but it is advisable that you keep all documents in relation to your lease in a convenient place.

What happens if something breaks during my tenancy?

Upon commencement of tenancy, in accordance with the Entry Condition Report, everything will be in working order. If, as it may happen on occasion, there is a fault with something, please take photos and a description of the issue to liza@ceres.realty and we will organise a repair / replacement for you. If it is deemed to be a tenant breakage / damage - this becomes the financial responsibility of the tenant.

What happens if there is an emergency breakdown during my tenancy?

The definition of ‘emergency’ is listed in the tenancy agreement - Form 18. Obviously if it is an electrical or serious plumbing issue, contact our preferred trade’s people: As listed on your agreement.

How do I pay my rent?

Rent is paid by Direct Deposit, Internet Transfer, or Pay at Branch.

Ceres Realty Trust Account
BSB 633 000
ACC 193 689 403

Are there regular inspections during my tenancy?

Regular routine inspections are to ensure tenants are upholding their tenancy responsibilities. These inspections are performed with the utmost respect to the tenant and the property. We know that tenants just want to live in peace and harmony, so, here at Ceres Realty, we ensure that the inspections are performed to regulation standards and have as little impact on the tenants day to day living.

  • Routine inspections are carried out approximately every 12 – 14 weeks.

  • A computerised report is forwarded to the landlord.

  • Photographs taken at each inspection and copies forwarded to landlord (we endeavour to ensure that all photos respect the tenant’s privacy).

  • Thorough inspection are performed in view of noting  any preventative maintenance or recommendations to ensure property is kept in tip top condition.

  • If any maintenance matters that require attention, are forwarded to the landlord immediately.

  • It is your responsibility as a tenant to keep the property clean and tidy. Regular cleaning will also assist you at the end of your tenancy in ensuring your full bond is returned to you. You will receive a document upon commencement of your tenancy of your requirement for routine inspections.

What happens if my rent is late, or I am experiencing financial difficulty during my tenancy?

At Ceres Realty, we understand life doesn’t always go as planned, if this issue arises, we will try to assist you to find a mutually suitable arrangement. The most vital step for you is to communicate with us any issues you are having. Do not just NOT pay your rent. We can’t help, if we don’t know what is going on. On saying this though, just a reminder, you have signed a legal agreement and all rent must be paid according to the lease agreement. We must follow a very strict process. This process has been outlined by the Residential Tenancies Act.

  • Day 1-2: Grace Period.

  • Day 3: SMS advising tenant that they are in arrears.

  • Day 6: Call and send email advising of impending RTA Form 11 Notice to Remedy Breach which will be issued if the rent is not received by 4.00pm on day 7. Forward a copy to Landlord.

  • Day 8: RTA Form 11 Notice to Remedy Breach to be served on the tenant and a copy forwarded to the Landlord for their records. This notice allows the tenant 7 days to remedy the breach.

  • Day 14: Call and send email to tenant to advise if their rent is not paid by the close of business, they will be issued with a Form 12 Notice to Leave.

  • Day 15: RTA Form 12 Notice to Leave will be served on the tenant to terminate the tenancy and a copy forwarded to the Landlord for their records. The notice period for this form is 7 days.

  • Day 23: Expiry of Form 12, Tenant is to hand over possession of the property to the Agent. Failure to do so may result in the agent lodging an urgent tribunal application for termination/warrant of possession.

What happens if I go away for an extended period of time during my tenancy?

You are obviously free to come and go as you please, but for the sake of your property, we just ask if you are going to be away for a week or more, that you drop us a quick email. More details will be given at commencement of lease. We appreciate that you live at the property, and it is your home throughout your tenancy. We also know you want it safe and secure, whilst away. Our obligation is also to the landlord, that their property is occupied, and being looked after properly throughout the tenancy.

Can I make alterations / improvements during my tenancy?

This needs to be discussed with the property manager, who will discuss any changes with the owner.  These may not be financially covered by the landlord and you may be required to return the property to the original condition upon completion of tenancy.

Anything else I need to know about my responsibility during my tenancy?

There will be an Information Sheet given to you at commencement of your tenancy of your obligations, please read thoroughly to ensure you are happy with these items prior to signing your lease.

Can I contact Ceres Realty if I have more questions?

We understand that this is not an exhaustive list of FAQ, and we would love to discuss any queries you may have regarding your selection of Ceres Realty to manage your investment property.

Please contact our office on 0438 730 889 or email us at contact@ceres.realty

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